Land Development

From single-tenant projects to the renovation of large mall campuses, the professionals at WallacePancher Group have extensive experience teaming with developers and national retail companies to plan and design a wide array of commercial and retail projects.

The project team includes a number of disciplines, including the development manager, architects, and land development engineers, who effectively collaborate to plan and design a project. The professionals at WallacePancher Group work closely with the municipal authorities to gain project approvals that will facilitate “on-time” construction.

Let the skilled land development engineering professionals at WallacePancher Group help plan and design your next project for the best possible results!


What We Do

Due Diligence
  • Municipal Zoning Review
  • Aquatic Resource Identification
  • Conceptual Site Design
  • Existing Infrastructure Evaluation
  • Permit Identification
  • Preliminary Geotechnical Site Evaluation

  • Municipal Land Development
  • Zoning Requirements
  • Special Exceptions and Variances
  • Erosion & Sedimentation Control
  • NPDES Permits
  • Sewage Facilities Planning Module
  • Wetland and Waterbody Permitting
  • Resource Agency Consultation
  • Highway Occupancy Permits

Site Design
  • Master Site Planning
  • Subdivision Plans
  • Land Development Plans
  • Site Layout & Grading Design
  • Stormwater Management Design
  • Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Design
  • Site Utility Design
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Construction Documents
  • Construction Administration

What is Land Development Engineering?

Land development engineering—a part of civil engineering—refers to the process of making land suitable for its intended purpose. This field is an interdisciplinary one, combining elements of civil engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, environmental science, and other related areas.

Let’s look at a few of the different processes included in land development engineering:

Land Surveys – This is often the first step in land development engineering. It involves assessing the land’s features, such as elevation, boundaries, and the presence of any existing structures.

Feasibility Studies – Before a piece of land can be developed, it’s important to determine whether it’s feasible to do so. A feasibility study involves considering factors like the land’s physical characteristics, local zoning laws, and environmental restrictions.

Master Planning – In this stage, a comprehensive plan for land development is created. This process involves considering how different land uses will fit together and planning for necessary infrastructure like roads and utilities.

Site Design and Engineering – This type of engineering involves creating detailed designs for individual sites within the larger development, including buildings, parking areas, drainage systems, roadways, and other features.

Construction Management – Once designs have been finalized, the construction process begins. This can involve coordinating with construction crews, managing timelines and budgets, ensuring work is completed to the correct specifications, and more.