Bobby Run

As a result of an historic flood event, the Hermitage Municipal Authority proposed to relocate, enhance and restore approximately 1,000 linear feet of Bobby Run. The stream segment adjacent to the City of Hermitage Wastewater Treatment Plant was heavily eroded and encroached upon a clarifier tank, part of the water treatment system for sanitary sewage.

The project provides protection to the facility and enhances the stream habitat of Bobby Run. An earlier attempt by the municipal authority to stabilize the stream banks included the installation of a gabion basket wall. Bobby Run continued to erode the banks, causing the gabion wall to collapse into the stream. WPI relocated a portion of Bobby Run away from the sewage treatment facility and provided floodplains to dissipate the streams energy. Cross vanes, a log rollover, and vegetative plantings were installed to enhance the aquatic habitat.

An operating and maintenance (O&M) plan was prepared to guide the municipal authority in the care and maintenance of the riparian corridor.



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