Additionally, WallacePancher Group has provided transportation services to PennDOT, and the WVDOH. Combined, our team of engineers, scientists, and surveyors have completed numerous projects in the tri-state area and are very familiar with the processes, specifications, and agencies involved in this region.
WPG’s specific transportation experience includes Highways, Bridges, Municipal, Airports and Surveying. Our highly trained staff of Civil, Highway, Structural, and Airport Engineers, working with our surveyors, technicians and draftspersons collaboratively develop solutions to our client’s problem with total in-house teamwork.


ODOT Pre-Qualifications:
- Ecological Surveys
- Stream and Wetland Mitigation
- Environmental Document Prep—CE
- Environmental Document Prep—Section 4(f)

The Traffic professionals at WallacePancher Group have decades of experience in the analy-sis of traffic movement, and the efficient use of signals, pavement markings, and signage to safely manage vehicle flow. The safety of the motoring public, as well as pedestrians and oth-er users are paramount concerns for all projects. WPG’s staff have experience with peak and off-peak traffic management, emergency service preemption, and design of the infrastructure necessary to support an integrated, connected system for efficient traffic movement.

All work for bridge projects is performed in accordance with the client’s design criteria, policies, standard drawings and specifications. Our Bridge Inspection and Design Team has a thorough and comprehensive understanding of ODOT, PennDOT, WVDOH and FHWA requirements, procedures and design criteria. We have also conducted inspections and prepared engineering designs and plans for many locally funded projects, as well as a multitude of State and/or Federally –funded Bridge projects.

The Survey Team of REL, a Division of The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc., has provided Horizontal and Vertical Control, and Topographic and Boundary Surveying for a range of sites from limited property surveys to very large and com-plex projects involving superstructures in Ohio’s Interstate System. Other project experience includes large Airports such as Cleveland Hopkins International.

WPG is qualified with a wide variety of experience in airport planning and airport capital improvement projects. Since 1968 Richland Engineering Limited, a Division of The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc., has performed multi-disciplined airport development and airport improvement projects. Our firm has performed multimillion-dollar projects on primary and reliever airports including projects for general aviation airports. We are familiar with project policies and standards through our planning, preliminary development, plan preparation work, and construction administration of ODOT and FAA funded projects. Richland Engineering Limited’s experience in airport projects includes Capital Improvement Project Planning, Engineering, Design, Bid Document Preparation and related Construction Inspection Engineering Services. Our firm also provides general airport operation and planning consultant services for airport improvements.
Airport development, capital improvement or maintenance projects performed on similar airports included grant applications, airport master planning, environmental assessments, economic impact studies, airport layout plans, land acquisition, taxiway and runway construction, reconstruction, extension, pavement rehabilitation, aircraft ramp expansion and rehabilitation, drainage improvements, security fencing, navigation aids (REIL’s, PAPI’s, NDB, AWOS, ASOS, LOC/DME, runway/taxiway lighting, airport beacons), and access management, fueling and storage facilities, roadway construction and relocation, utilities construction and relocation, vehicle and aircraft parking facilities, and many other facilities requiring multi-disciplined engineering services.
Our master planning process closely follows the guidelines of the Federal Aviation Administration Circular 150/5070-6A Airport Master Plans, first developed in the early 1970’s and updated through periodic work sessions and seminars conducted annually by the FAA. The objective of the FAA’s program is to develop coherent and detailed guidance with up-to-date practices and standards for the development of airport improvement projects. The federal and state programs have been established to “provide guidelines to future airport development which will satisfy aviation demand in a financially feasible manner, and address socioeconomic issues existing in the community.” Our firm has assisted our clients and the FAA since 1969 in achieving these goals.